The Going-Right Things In My Life

Ting Wang
2 min readJul 12, 2021

Medium’s WriteHere Prompt: What’s going right in your life today?

I know answering this with a list is a bit of a cop-out, but it’s Sunday evening and I’m feeling lazy. Though I do have a more legitimate reason. I was tempted to use one of the other prompts because when I did a quick mental scan of my life lately, I kept thinking of everything that was going wrong. So I challenged myself to take inventory of all the good things because everyone tells me positivity and gratitude are essential ingredients to a healthy mental and emotional state. What better way to emphasize the quantity of life’s blessings than a list? I found that the list got easier to write the longer it became…what a pleasant reminder that the more we focus on the positive, the more we remember how much good our lives can hold.

  • Virgin River Season 3 Premiere (I am not ashamed of liking this show!)
  • Focusing on myself (healing, unattaching, self-awareness, finding validation from within)
  • Eating my mom’s delicious noodle soups
  • Strawberry popsicles
  • Coffee in the morning
  • Sitting in front of a fan in the backyard, under the hot summer sun
  • Quality time with family (liveliness)
  • Quality time with myself (peacefulness)
  • Addicting webtoons (caught up on True Beauty and It’s Mine…now what)
  • Revisiting old loved music (2000’s kpop) on Spotify
  • Playing with my toddler niece and nephew when they’re being cute
  • Health and safety
  • Reading any book I want, whenever I want
  • Feeling care from friends and family
  • Learning to take space for myself
  • Work flexibility
  • Practicing piano
  • Quality Chinese dramas premiering left and right

